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You Matter Too exists to provide self-care tools and services to empower parents to take care of themselves in order to support their children’s social, emotional, and physical needs.

About: Welcome


Our mission is to create a preventative movement committed to reducing child abuse and neglect in high-risk, low-income areas by providing free mental health and self-care services to parents.


According to the Journal of Clinical Psychology, poverty and low-income status is linked to mental health problems and violence. Low-income adults and children are also much less likely than adults with higher incomes to receive mental healthcare. This is due to the following barriers: cost, time, and stigma-related concerns. However, You Matter Too is here to change that! 

By addressing these barriers through free, 30-minute weekly tele-therapy services in a community aimed to normalize mental health, You Matter Too strives to provide high-quality and evidence-based mental health services to provide parents with the support that they need so that they can in turn, positively impact their children. 


Parents need more support, knowledge and tools. Every child deserves a mentally healthy parent. 


We want to provide YMT parents with access to the resources that they need to take care of their mental health so that they can first support their own social, emotional, and physical needs and then those of their children’s.


To achieve this, we are partnering with Ootify, an easy-to-use teletherapy app that provides access to therapists, coaches, and mentors at the parent’s convenience - be it via text, call, or video chat. Our goal is to raise funds for low-income parents of children ages 0 to 11 to receive free self-care and create a safer environment for their children.  We believe that every parent needs this app as teletherapy has proven to help parents through anxiety and can help manage emotions and responses to difficult situations. Approximately one in five Americans will experience a mental health condition in a given year. And ultimately, any help is better than none at all.

This is one way for us to create a preventative means to ensure that our children are taken care of by parents who are mentally healthy and also, taken care of. 

About: Welcome


Our long-term vision is to collect data that shows the undeniable benefits of therapy for parents. And thus obtain federal and state funding to support and even mandate therapy for all new parents in the form of child rights.

About: Welcome
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